How to use Diveni with Github
You need to have a Github account and a repository, which you want to utilise Diveni on.
Creating a Personal Access Token
- Step: Go to Github.
- Step: Sign in
- Step: In the top right corner press on your profile Picture. Then you press on Settings.
- Step: Now you scroll down a bit and press on Developer settings
- Step: Press on "Personal access tokens"
- Step: Click on "Generate new token (classic)"
- Step: Give your token a name so that you can reorganize it later.
- Step: For the selected Scopes you want to select "repo" and "gist".
- Step: Click on "Generate Token"
- Step: That's it. Now you just need to copy the key.
Connecting Diveni with Github
- Press on the "Sign in with Github"-Button.
- Paste your personal access token into the text field
- Press on the "Sign in"-Button
- Congratulations. You are all done and set to use Diveni with your Github Account.
Use Diveni and Github
- After connecting to Github you need to choose a repository, which you want to work on with Diveni.
- The rest is as usual. You can create / update / delete / estimate issues as usual.
- The estimation will be written into the description of your Github issue.