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How to use Diveni with Gitlab


You need to have a Gitlab account and a project, which you want to utilise Diveni on.

Creating a Personal Access Token

  1. Step: Go to Gitlab.
  2. Step: Sign in
  3. Step: In the top left corner press on your profile Picture. Then you press on Edit Profile.
  4. Step: Now you press on "Access Tokens" on the left menubar.
  5. Step: Press on "Add new token"
  6. Step: Give your token a name so that you can reorganize it later.
  7. Step: For the selected Scopes you want to select api.
  8. Step: Press on Create personal access token
  9. Step: That's it. Now you just need to copy the key.

Connecting Diveni with Gitlab

  1. Press on the "Sign in with Gitlab"-Button.
  2. Paste your personal access token into the text field
  3. Press on the "Sign in"-Button
  4. Congratulations. You are all done and set to use Diveni with your Gitlab Account.

Use Diveni and Github

  • After connecting to Gitlab you need to choose a project, which you want to work on with Diveni.
  • The rest is as usual. You can create / update / delete / estimate issues as usual.
  • The estimation will be written into the estimation field on your gitlab issue.

Made by Diveni Development Team with ❤️ at Lake Constance